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Gerut plastic surgery long island asthetic

Mommy Makeover

A Mommy Makeover is a terrific way to return your body to its pre-baby appearance, and it’s not just for Moms! If you have sagging in the abdomen and breasts due to childbearing, aging and/or weight loss, a Mommy Makeover can give you the figure you desire through a...

Lip Plumping

Permanent Lip Plumping All women want lush, beautiful lips. It’s one of the “secondary sexual characteristics” that Mother Nature has imbued in us to attract a mate. Unfortunately, as we age, the lips change: they become thinner.  Most young people have full...


What is Restylane? Restylane® is the trade name for a line of injectable hyaluronic fillers (HA) that temporarily plump the skin for a younger appearance. Since its FDA approval in 2002, it has proven to be an extremely effective anti-aging option.  Where is...

Fat Injections

What Are Fat Injections? Your body fat is an excellent soft tissue filler that can be used instead of popularly advertised fillers (Restylane, Juvéderm, etc) to treat; facial aging such as frown lines, smile lines, and other wrinkles and even some facial sagging; to...

Skin Rejuvenation

Long Island plastic surgeon Dr. Zachary Gerut and his staff provide a full complement of skin rejuvenation treatments and procedures. Acne is one of the most challenging conditions to treat and, for many patients, hypertrophic (raised) scars and cystic acne are the...