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9 Tips to Choosing a Plastic Surgeon

9 Tips to Choosing a Plastic Surgeon

If you’re considering elective plastic surgery in the New York City area—or anywhere for that matter—there are some things you need to consider in order to make the right choice. Here are 9 tips to help you pick the right plastic surgeon for your cosmetic surgery...
The Happy Hour Facial

The Happy Hour Facial

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light), is an amazing treatment on the face, neck and chest for: Sun damage Rough texture Rosacea Brown spots Freckles Broken capillaries Fine wrinkles Enlarged pores Melasma Age spots Dark circles beneath the eyes How IPL Works By delivering...

A Revolutionary Approach to Facelifts

What is a Rapid Recovery Facelift? Dr. Zachary Gerut has achieved national and international recognition for his innovative Rapid Recovery Facelift, and he remains THE authority on this procedure. As a result, Dr. Gerut has vast experience performing face lifts, which...

What is a Rapid Recovery Facelift?

Although regular injections of dermal fillers and Dysport can go a long way toward temporarily reversing facial aging, there comes a time when the results no longer meet the level of rejuvenation that some patients want. As we age, the musculature in the face and neck...

What’s a Lip Flip?

Have you heard of the non-surgical way to create a fuller top lip called the Lip Flip? “I already get filler injected into my lips,” you say. Well, we are not talking about filler in your upper lip. We’re talking about injecting the neurotoxin Dysport into your upper...