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Brazilian Buttock Lift

Some individuals are born with a “back porch” that lacks definition, therefore appearing flat, particularly in slacks. Others lose volume and projection of the buttocks through the aging process or through weight gain and loss cycles. Performing a Brazilian...

Tummy Tuck

The medical term for tummy tuck is abdominoplasty. This procedure removes loose extra skin and tightens the muscles of the abdomen. Although some people believe that a tummy tuck helps you lose weight, it actually works best on thin people who either...


Liposuction is an elective cosmetic surgery procedure to “remodel” ones body by removing discrete pockets of fat that are resistant to diet and exercise. Liposuction is one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures in the US. The goal of...

Breast Implant Revision

What is Breast Implant Revision? Breast augmentation is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures in the United States, with millions of women enjoying a more beautiful bust thanks to the latest and safest FDA-approved implants placed by a skilled board...

Breast Lift

A breast lift, medically called mastopexy, is a procedure performed when genetics, aging, childbearing, breastfeeding and/or weight loss have caused drooping of the breasts and loosening of the breast skin. The breast lift procedure is performed under...

Breast Reduction

A breast reduction, medically called reduction mammoplasty, is a procedure performed to reduce the size and weight of the breasts. The breast reduction procedure is performed under general anesthesia on an outpatient basis, and is most commonly...